Friday, March 28, 2008

Vocation Video from Kentucky!

Vocation to holiness
Uploaded by Le_Bon_Larron

"Dear young people, like the first disciples, follow Jesus! Do not be afraid to draw near to him, to cross the threshold of his dwelling, to speak with him, face to face, as you talk to a friend. Do not be afraid of the ‘new life’ he is offering. He himself makes it possible for you to receive that life and practice it, with the help of his grace and the gift of his Spirit."

"It is true: Jesus is a demanding friend. He points to lofty goals; he asks us to go out of ourselves in order to meet him, entrusting to him our whole life; ‘Whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the Gospel will save it’ (Mk. 8:35). The proposal may seem difficult, and, in some cases, frightening. But – I ask you – is it better to be resigned to a life without ideals, to a world made in our image and likeness, or rather, generously to seek truth, goodness, justice, working for a world that reflects the beauty of God, even at the cost of facing the trials it may involve?" (Pope John Paul II)

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