Saturday, May 10, 2008

Carmelite Monks of Wyoming!

The Carmelites have a new monastery in Wyoming! These monks are living a life of cloistered prayer and are hoping to soon build a new, more permanent monastery. These Carmelite Monks have a profound love and respect for their monastic enclosure. Their form of monastic life is very challenging and difficult. With the exception of extern monks who are allowed to work outside the enclosure wall, the cloistered monks only pass through the gates of the monastery when there is an explicit permission from the Bishop, for medical needs or other serious reasons. The monks live a hidden life of prayer and contemplation in the pursuit of God. The monastery is inundated with young men who seek to leave everything to pray for the world, in a tradition at least a thousand years old. If you would like to learn more about them they have a cool website obviously intended to attract a younger generation. It's fantastic that they have 40 young men discerning a possible monastic vocation! God bless them!

If you would like to support them you might consider buying their coffee! Mystic Monk Coffee is roasted by the Carmelite Monks, a Roman Catholic monastery in the silence and solitude of the Rocky Mountains of northern Wyoming. Every catholic monastery has its own manual labor, a way to support itself by its own hands. Then it usually sells what it makes as its monastery gift item. Coffee is unique in that Catholics everywhere drink coffee daily. So this is a monastery gift for every day of the year! Enjoy the coffee and pray for vocations to the Church!

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