Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Saint of the Day: St. Bruno, founder of the Carthusian's

Today is the feast of St. Bruno, founder of the Carthusian Order. He was born at Cologne about the year 1030; died 6 October, 1101. He is usually represented with a death's head in his hands, a book and a cross, or crowned with seven stars; or with a roll bearing the device O Bonitas. His feast is kept on the 6th of October. The Carthusians continue to follow the tradition of St. Bruno even today.

I found this video on the Immaculate Heart of Mary's Hermitage site. It is really very interesting to see how these monks live:

First ever filming inside the Roman Catholic Monastic/Hermitage of the Grande Chartreuse -1964.The Order was founded by Saint Bruno in 1084a.d. and comprises a masculine and a feminine branch.

At present, the Order is composed of about 450 monks and nuns who live a solitary life at the heart of the Church; there are 24 Houses in three continents, all dedicated exclusively to the contemplative life.

The only goal of the Carthusian way is CONTEMPLATION, by the power of the Spirit, living as unceasingly as possible in the light of the love of God for us, made manifest in Christ. This implies a purity of heart, or charity: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” (Mt 5:8) Monastic tradition also calls this goal pure and continuous prayer.

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