Sunday, June 28, 2009

Modern Christian Persecution

This is pretty amazing... disturbing actually. In 2007 a five-strong team of police officers investigated a church's literature because someone said a leaflet inviting the public to an Easter service was "offensive".

Two mounted policemen were later joined by three armour-clad officers who jumped out of a police van to examine the Easter invitation leaflet.


  1. What ever happened to Freedom of speech and our Constitution.

  2. This actually happened in England, but it could find its way to our side of the ocean easily enough!

  3. "BY THY HOLY AND IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, O MARY, DELIVER US FROM EVIL."--Prophetic Prayer taught by Our Lady of America to Sister Mary Ephrem, Convent of the Sisters of the Precious Blood, Rome City, Indiana, 1956. (

  4. It's just a form or harassment. They were probably looking to see if the literature was critical of homosexual sex.
