Monday, November 16, 2009

Saint of the Day: Gertrude the Great

The following comes from the Catholic Online site:

St. Gertrude, Virgin (Patroness of the West Indies) Feastday-November 16 St. Gertrude was born at Eisleben in Saxony. At the age of five, she was placed in the care of the Benedictine nuns at Rodalsdorf and later became a nun in the same monastery, of which she was elected Abbess in 1251. The following year she was obliged to take charge of the monastery at Helfta, to which she moved with her nuns.

St. Gertrude had enjoyed a good education. She wrote and composed in Latin, and was versed in Sacred Literature. The life of this saint, though not replete with stirring events and striking actions, was one of great mental activity. It was the mystic life of the cloister, a life hidden with Christ in God. She was characterized by great devotion to the Sacred Humanity of Our Lord in His Passion and in the Blessed Eucharist, and by a tender love for the Blessed Virgin. She died in 1302.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Father, are you still in Ecuador? how was your beach day in the Pacific???

    Once again, congrats on your Saints, pulled out a good one on the road!

    I am telling you, you need to get together with Opinonated Catholic-James H and start booking your reservations for Miami in February!!!!
