Thursday, October 21, 2010

Poor Clare Desert Monastery: Dreams to Reality!

The dreams of some young Poor Clare Sisters is coming to reality! Check out the video and follow their building progress here. Here are some of their own reflections:

We've all heard the saying: "Can't see the forest through the tree." Well, I believe this is how this whole construction project has been for us. Last year, when construction began, at least a few of us would head out to Tonopah to check things out. Stone by stone, we saw the form of a chapel begin. The year flew by and progress continued. As the months went on, our treks out to Tonopah became more and more frequent and the progress seemed to go more and more quickly. The reality of it all though has sunk in more slowly than the actual construction! :)

It wasn't until the cleaning crew came in at the beginning of this week to 'shine' everything up that it really hit me: OUR DREAM HAS TURNED INTO A REALITY - through the grace of God, the generosity of His children, and the hard work of many wonderful people.

Each step of this journey has been STEEPED in prayer - as is evident in the final product which is more beautiful than we dared to dream. Enjoy this video update below. We are still several months away from being able to have the Chapel consecrated (will keep you up to date on that) - as we await the completion of the pews and a few other interior appointments. But those months will fly by - as this past year has...and soon enough this beautiful chapel will be a place of prayer for the people of Phoenix! We look forward to that day as well!

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