Monday, July 8, 2013

Pope Francis at Lampedusa: Don't give into the 'globalization of indifference'

The following comes from Rome Reports: 

Pope Francis celebrated Mass in Lampedusa. That's the Italian island, where  dozens of illegal immigrants, arrive every day. The altar itself, was very symbolic. The base was a boat, that was used by group of North African migrants, who fled their native land, inhopes of a better future

During his homily, Pope Francis said one should not get accustomed to the suffering of others. He also denounced the 'globalization of indifference.' 

FRANCIS “We see a person, on the brink of death, laying out on the street and we think 'poor man.' Yet we carry on with our day. We think: It's not my responsibility...and we feel justified by this notion.' Who has cried for these people who lost their lives on a boat? For the young mothers who  traveled with their children? For those men, who are looking for means to support their families? We are a society that has forgotten the experience of shedding tears, of suffering amid  the globalization of indifference.” 
The Pope wore his purple papal robes, to mark a penitential ceremony. He asked God for forgiveness in light of the indifference that has dominated this social issue. 

FRANCIS “Lord, we ask  forgiveness, for those who with their laws and decisions have created situations, that have led to these tragedies. Forgive us, Lord.”
Before leaving the Pope thanked the residents of the island. He described them as a light that the world must acknowledge. He also called on both individuals and worldwide leaders to show the same courage, the community of Lampedusa has shown, by welcoming immigrants who flee their countries in search of a better life. 

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