Saturday, June 15, 2013

Evangelium Vitae: the 'Gospel of Life'

( The value and defense of human life is a key part of the Year of Faith. To highlight this message, the Vatican is focusing its attention on a document issued by Pope John Paul II back in  1995. 

The encyclical is titled 'Evangelium Vitae,' which translates to 'The Gospel of Life.'  Its importance is widely recognized, especially now, issues like abortion and euthanasia are debated. 

Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization
“The Gospel of Life, is just such a powerful and beautiful text and it has echoed through the years the importance, the essential element that being a people of life is, for all of us as believers. So it demonstrates how faithful we are to life: all life, from conception to natural death.” 
Because it openly addresses ecology and social issues, the encyclical also serves as a key document to promote the New Evangelization.

Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization
“This celebration of Evangelium Vitae, the 'Gospel of Life', being included in the celebrations for the year of Faith demonstrates to all the world the great importance, the essential value that the Gospel of Life has in the New Evangelization, that the New Evangelization has to have this as a central pillar: that we are going to be a people who defend life, who are going to be of life and for life.”  
'Evangelium Vitae' was John Paul II's eleventh encyclical. It is seen as a document that's highly connected to Pope Paul VI's 'Humanae Vitae.'

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