The “Positio,” just printed, for the Servant of God Fr. Francesco Convertini (1898-1976), a heroic pioneer of the Salesian mission in Bengal, was formally deposited at the offices of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints on March 11.
The Positio, that is, the dossier which has to show as well as possible the heroicity of the life and virtues of the Servant of God, was prepared by Fr. Luciano Colussi, SDB, vicar general of the diocese of Krishnagar, where Fr. Convertini is buried. It is a single large volume of 474 pages, plus twenty sets of photographs. After the Preface by Father Cristoforo Bove, OFM Conv., relator of the cause, the Positio – as the norms require -- brings together ”information” about the life and virtue of the Servant of God and the “summary” of procedures and documents.
Now the Positio will be read and studied by the theological experts and members of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. It is possible that ten or more years will pass before it is approved, unless in the meantime a miraculous event were to occur that could speed up the normal process.
Of the 28 Servants of God in the Salesian Family, four others are in the same situation as Fr. Convertini. These are: Fr. Giuseppe Quadrio, Sr. Laura Meozzi, Attilio Giordani, and Cardinal August Hlond. It is expected that before the end of the year the Positio of Fr. Quadrio could be approved and the Salesian priest become Venerable. At present there are nine members of the Salesian Family who are Venerable. The Positiones of three other Servants of God are almost ready for the press: those of Fr. Elia Comini, Bp. Antonio Lustosa de Almeida, and Bp. Stefano Ferrando.
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