The following comes from the Patron Saints Index:

As pope he stressed his own pastoral duties as well as those
of other bishops and clergy. Promoted social reforms for workers, poor people,
orphans, and the outcast. He advanced cooperation with other faiths and
traditions including Protestant, Greek Orthodox, Church of England, and even
Shinto. In April 1959 he forbade Catholics to vote for parties supporting
Communism. His encyclical, Mater et Magistra of 14 July 1961 advocated social
reform, assistance to underdeveloped countries, a living wage for all workers,
and support for socialist measures that promised real benefit to society.
He nearly doubled the number of cardinals, making the
college the largest in history. On 25 January 1959, he announced his intent to
call a council to consider ways to renew the Church in the modern world,
promote diversity within the unity of the Church, and consider reforms promoted
by ecumenical and liturgical movements. Convening the council, known as Vatican
II, on 11 October 1962, was the high point of his reign.
His heartiness, his overflowing love for humanity
individually and collectively, and his freshness of approach to ecclesiastical
affairs made John one of the best-loved popes of modern times.
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