With a solemn session, on 12 May 2011, in the Main Hall of the Salesian Schools of Aleksandrów Kujawski the investigative process was closed regarding the cause of martyrdom of the Servant of God Fr Franciszek Miśka SDB who was Rector of the “Sons of Mary” Junior Seminary at Ląd 1936-1942, and was interned in the Dachau concentration camp where he died from ill-treatment and torture on 30 May 1942.
The diocesan bishop of Włocławek, Bishop Wiesław Luigi Mering presided at the closing ceremony. Among those present were the Provincial Fr Marek Chmielewski, the Vice Postulator, Fr Jarosław Wąsowicz, Salesians and pupils from the Salesian High School and Sixth Form College.
Fr Franciszek Miśka belongs to the group of martyrs of the Second World War whose cause was officially opened on 28 February 2004 at Ląd. The group from the diocese of Pelplin was added to others religious and lay Christians who suffered martyrdom and the official title of the Process is: “PELPLINEN. Beatificationis seu Declarationis Martyrii Servorum Dei HENRICI SZUMAN Sacerdotis Dioecesani Et CXXI SOCIORUM Sacerdotum Dioecesanorum, Religiosorum et Religiosarum Christifidelium Laicorum et Laicarum In odium Fidei, uti fertur, interfectorum”.
The celebration at Aleksandrów began with a moment of prayer. Then the Vice Postulator Fr Jarosław Wąsowicz, greeted those present and gave an account of the Servant of God and the work of the Tribunal. Then Prof. Fr Henryk Stawniak, as the Delegate of the bishop for the process of Fr F. Miśka, directed the final session and with the Bishop checked the documents of the process which were then sealed and signed . the Summary was then submitted to Pelplin.
Fr Marek Chmielewski, Provincial of the St. Adalbert Province thanked Bishop Wiesław Mering for agreeing to add the process of Fr Miśka to that of his diocese and said that shortly it would be decided whether or not to introduce the canonical process for five other Salesians from Rumia, martyred at the beginning of the Second World War at Aleksandrów Kujawski, as well as that of Fr Franciszek Strzygłowski, a great benefactor of the Salesians, killed by the Gestapo in July 1941 at Gniezno.
On 24 May 2011 the process for the whole group of martyrs will be closed. Part of this group are Fr Jan Swierc and 7 companions from the Krakow Province killed in Auschwitz.
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